Pedestrian Crossing
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- Publication date
- 1948
- Topics
- road safety
- Publisher
- Public Relationship Films
- Language
- English
- Rights
- UK Crown Copyright
- Item Size
- 191.7M
Humorous road safety trailer on the correct use of pedestrian crossings. Belisha beacons
Public Information Films
- Addeddate
- 2005-10-10 07:19:57
- Color
- color
- Director
- Michael Law
- Ia_orig__runtime
- 8 Minutes 15 Seconds
- Identifier
- pedestrian_crossing_TNA
- Location
- Great Britain
- Run time
- 8:15
- Sound
- sound
favoritefavoritefavorite -
October 29, 2012
Subject: Not A Peep About...
Subject: Not A Peep About...
...all those vehicles driving on the wrong side of the street. At least as far as I'm concerned.
While over there you have to look to the RIGHT ... before you step off the curb. How strange.
While over there you have to look to the RIGHT ... before you step off the curb. How strange.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 29, 2012
Subject: Zebra
Subject: Zebra
Well, this was before we had the so called "zebra crossings" that we have today - the black and white painted stripes on the road signifying a pedestrian
crossing. The can't have been much later than this film in coming as everything else is there that we have today - notably the Belisha beacons - the flashing globes, introduced in 1934 and named after the then Minister of Transport Hore-Belisha. You can still find Belisha beacons in other parts of the world where Brits crossed the road and ran things generally - parts of India, Singapore and Hong Kong for example.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 29, 2011
Subject: Very good.
Subject: Very good.
This is a good example of a PSA that can be enjoyable and funny without being corny or akward. It wasn't a masterpiece of comedy, but there were some very
humorous bits (taking a nap and eating breakfast in the middle of the street, among others)it was short and to the point, and the educational message came across without seeming forced.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 17, 2008
Subject: Watch out!
Subject: Watch out!
I don't know who this guy was, but he was in a LOT of these films, looks like he did a lot of his own stunt work too.. Anyways, in this, he learns to cross
the street... That's about it really.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 23, 2007
Subject: Who says instructional films have to be boring?
Subject: Who says instructional films have to be boring?
I find it amusing that you even have to have a film on how to cross the street, but I found it really humorous. Well written with great acting.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 12, 2005
Subject: Python-esque
Subject: Python-esque
Some amusing facial expressions at the beginning as the man thinks about thing he likes and dislikes. Then surreal scenes as he sits at a table and then
lies in a bed on the crossing. It's slightly alarming that a vehicle knocks him down even when he seems to be crossing correctly.
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